Thursday, February 28, 2013

12th "Board Exams 2013" tip no. 12

1) Study the character name in the Lesson translation, who said what?
Whom said to whom? Etc

2) In opposites when questions are given in phrase, do we need to
write the entire line WHILE ANSWERING ?
- Yes, you need to write the entire line, because sometimes the
opp.answers may differ wen its given in phrases...
a) il est BEAU* il est LAID.
but il fait/fera BEAU* il fait/fera MAUVAIS.
b) il est JEUNE*il est VIEUX
but c'est un NOUVEAU produit* c'est un VIEUX/ANCIEN produit.
c) ils ont PERDU les papiers* ils ont TROUVÉ les papiers.
but ils ont GAGNÉ le match* ils ont PERDU le match.
d)ils ont REUSSI les examens*ils ont PERDU les examens.
e) il est TÔT *il est TARD.
f) il est TORT * il est RAISON.

3) Some more OPPOSITES
a) travailleur*chomeur
b) travailler*se reposer
c)son frère cadet* son frère aîné.
d) éspere- dèsespere.

Unicef-Internationale des Nations Unies Fonds d'Emergence des Enfants.
L'O.N.U- L'Organisations des Nations Unies.

5) You can use the following words  in Répondez as well as  Rédaction
(Hints Development):

a) On peut- one can
b) On doit- one should/ must
c) On veut- one wants
d) Il faut- it is necessary
e) On dit/disait-One says/used to say.
f) Il y a beaucoup de- there is/are many.
g) il y a aussi/ there is/are also.

6) In Répondez the answer may be ONE WORD , but wen u respond u have
to start the ANSWER FROM THE QUESTION...make sure you write 2lines in

Note: no where it is mentionned  that u have to write one word or one
line in répondez, to b on the safer side write 2 lines i.e 2 points.

7) For comprehension (unseen passage).
- Be very thorough with your Basics like
a) numbers pg 5 & 15
b) time pg 22
c) days of the week 23 bottom
d) months of the year pg 24 top
e) seasons pg 33 bottom
f) question tags which i already gave
g) Your knowledge power on translating from French-English...

 -- Author.
-Velammal (Ponneri) & St.Bede's dominic Savio(mylapore).

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