Just the start of it !!! Sunday days, party nights, hot guys, water fights, beachy hair, tanned skin, sCHOOLS oUT, sUMMERS iN !!!
In the warmer, longer,
lazier days of summer, the living may not be easy, but your life probably feels
less chaotic. Even adults tend to adopt a "school's out!" attitude in
summer. That's why this is a perfect time to improve your health in a fashion
so seasonally laid back you'll barely notice the effort.
1.Give Your Diet A Berry Boost :
If you do one thing this summer to improve your
diet, have a cup of mixed fresh berries -- blackberries, blueberries, or
strawberries -- every day. They'll help you load up on antioxidants, which may
help prevent damage to tissues and reduce the risks of age-related illnesses.
Blueberries and blackberries are especially antioxidant-rich.
A big bonus: Berries are also top in fiber,
which helps keep cholesterol low and may even help prevent some cancers.
2. Eat light, small, frequent
Start the morning with a
sweet, juicy fruit at breakfast. Ripe summer fruits - peaches, plums, melons
and pears, are exactly what your skin craves for in the hot season. Citrus
fruits are also very cooling. Eat whole or extract their juice, store in the
refrigerator and sip often throughout the day.
3. Include salads in your diet:
Consuming leafy lettuce and
summer greens, corn on cob and cucumbers, in salads are delicious ways to stay
cool. This food contains a significant amount of water and can actually thin
the blood, which has a cooling effect. Onions too are great in the summer,
because of their ability to beat the heat and provide relief from summer
ailments. So, throw in some washed onion slices onto a sandwich, or in your
4.Get dirty and stress less:
To improve your stress level, plant a small
garden, cultivate a flower box, or if space is really limited, plant a few
flower pots -- indoors or out.
Just putting your hands in soil is
"grounding." And when life feels like you're moving so fast your feet
are barely touching the stuff, being mentally grounded can help relieve
physical and mental stress.
5.Floss Daily:
You know you need to, now it's time to start:
floss every single day. Do it at the beach (in a secluded spot), while reading
on your patio, or when watching TV -- and the task will breeze by.
Flossing reduces oral bacteria, which improves
overall body health, and if oral bacteria is low, your body has more resources
to fight bacteria elsewhere. Floss daily and you're doing better than at least
85% of people.
6.Get outside to
Pick one outdoor activity -- going on a hike,
taking a nature walk, playing games such as tag with your kids, cycling, roller
blading, or swimming -- to shed that cooped-up feeling of gym workouts.
And remember, the family that plays together not
only gets fit together -- it's also a great way to create bonding time.
7.Be good to your eyes:
To protect your vision at work and at play, wear
protective eyewear. When outdoors, wear sunglasses that block at least 99% of
ultraviolet A and B rays. Sunglasses can help prevent cataracts, as well
as wrinkles around the eyes.
8.Eat safely
Summer is the peak time for food poisoning,
since we spend more time eating outside in hot humid conditions where certain
bacteria thrive,keep hot food hot, and cold food cool.Follow the two-hour rule
for perishables,and make sure that grilled food is cooked to the
correct internal temperature.
9.Skip Sunburn:
Your skin remembers every bit of sun exposure
over your lifetime.Burns, wrinkles, and cancer can all result from excessive
sunning.Sunscreen is helpful, yet it can give us a false sense of security.Find
one that is full – spectrum to block all types of UV rays, and reapply
frequently.Better yet, stay indoors while the sun is highest in the sky.
By following all
these interesting tips to stay cool, you will be able to keep yourself brisk
and bright.
So, forget the
tans and continue with your vacations !!!
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