Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Much worried about Essay (Rédaction):

Much worried about Rédaction (essay) ?

- Don't worry here is a solution for you 

Step 1 : Recognise the Essay lesson eg. Lesson 4.

Step 2 : Go through the Choose, True or false, opposites and Ques Ans and pull out the choose true or false ques related to that lesson and write that .

Step 3: you can even look at the TRANSLATION and Comprehension and TRANSFORM(convert) those points according to this lesson essay.
Note : pls don't even try to write a single word in English , it will be very easily noticed by the teachers during correction.

If you had written by mistake put some accents like é è ê ë ç.

- Suppose you know a particular word in English but don't know in French. Don't worry just write that word and put some accents. 
Note : the accents comes only on top of English à é î ô ù.

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