Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Students doubts in CONTRAIRES:

Some opposites with Meaning :

1.manifestant(protesting) # soutiennent(supporting).

2.soudain(suddenly) # graduellent(gradually) / lentement(slowly).

3.Accompagner# Abandonner

4.brusque(brutal/fierce/rough) # aimable (lovable)/bon (good) /patient/ douce(soft).

Depending on the sentence

5.Admise (admit/join) #retire (with draw) / quitte (leave).

6.entre( between/enter) #quitte (leave) /sort(set out/exit).

7. legere ( light) # dure/lourde (hard,heavy).

8. en sombre (dull /shadowy) # ensoleille (sunlight).

9. en laissant (by allowing) # en défendant (by defending).

10. le pire ( worst) # le meilleur (the best).

11. decoller (take off ) #  atterir (to land)

12. Travailler (to work) # rester ( to rest or to remain in one place)

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