Tuesday, March 3, 2015


If you learn these you will be able to perform better in your Répondez /Lisez(comprehension)/ Dialogue etc...

Décrivez-describe,Nommez quelques-name some,Où-where,
Qui-who,Que-what,Quel/Quels/Quelle/Quelles-which/what,Quoi-what,Quand-when,Comment-how,Pourquoi-why,Combien de-how many/much,Décrivez-describe,Expliquez-explain, Avec qui-with whom,De qui-from whom, Par qui-by whom,A qui-to whom,pour qui-for whom,Entre qui-between whom,Dans quelle-in which,sur quelle-On what,entre quelle-between which,avant quelle-before which- pendant quelle-during which, Avec quoi-with what,devant quoi-in front of what,pour quoi-for what(why),sur quoi-on what, En Quoi-in what,D'où-from where,depuis quand-since when,jusqu'à quand-until when, Qu'est-ce que c'est?-what is it?,Qui est-ce?-who is it/this ?, Qui est-ce que...?-who is it that..., Qu'est-ce que...?-what is it that..,Comment est-ce que...?-how is it that...,Où est-ce que...?-where is it that....,Quand est-ce que...?-when is it that..,Pourquoi est-ce que...?-why is it that...

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