Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Student doubt :

1Q) Sir do we need to write QUESTIONS on the Answer sheets ?

-THOMZ: Yes except COMPREHENSION para and Translation (french part), YOU HAVE TO WRITE QUESTIONS because as for me "WRITING" is TWICE READING, so when you Write once, you read that question twice and can give a better answer. You have been given ample of time(3hrs) to finish just a 100marks paper that is the same amt of time given to fill 200marks paper.

If you write the question there are some possibilities for the Evaluators TO MARK RIGHT FOR THE WRONG ANSWERS, your answer sheets will look like as if its filled like anything. 

Note : After finishing the papers, check the answers yourself and u can save marks. The problem with you people is you don't check and finally end up in loosing marks.

2 Q) Sir do we Really need to draw diagram for Essay ?

-THOMZ: Yes students you have to draw becoz drawing Two Small diagrams show the Evaluators YOUR VIEWS/IDEAS about the ESSAY TOPIC and will make them put more marks. To put into a nut shell it is a place, where you show your cREATIVITy.

I still remember last year during Paper Correction all those who have "DRAWN DIAGRAMS AND GIVEN A GOOD CLEAR PRESENTATION' were awarded with Full marks.

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