Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thomz 8 tips for better marks:

1) Students pls do not discuss your 1mark ans with your friends to write the wrong answer. Write what YOU know, only YOU are the best.In exams students wantedly tell wrong answers & make you fool,beware of that. Pls go thru your answers atleast 20times so tat u can save atleast 10mrks.Underline d answers.Make the examiner feel more comfortable during Evaluation/Correction by ur presentation.

2) Present your Paper Clean  & tidy, no over writings, to avoid that WRITE ROUGH DRAFT for RÉDACTION(essay) check it thrice,correct your mistakes with pencil & then WRITE FAIR DRAFT so that u make the Teacher who corrects the paper feel more comfortable to correct..

3) Students to get good marks in RÉDACTION(essay) you can Draw DIAGRAM related to that topic and dont forget to use PUNCTUATIONS. Both carries mark.

4) Students DO NOT USE glitter pens or highlighter, use only blue & black pen and use pencil to underline the answers. Dont take risk,always be on the safer side.

5) CHECK the answers YOURSELF at least 30times so that you can save some 5 to 10 marks.

6) Do not discuss grammar answer with your frds to write the wrong answers,write what you know only YOU are the best.

7) Follow my method of PAPER PRESENTATION.


xxxxxxxBONNE CHANCExxxxxxxxx

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